In general we need the following from you:
In the event you decide to cross connect to us in one of our physical locations, we can support the following speeds in the following locations.
We can offer the following hosting services out of our locations:
We also offer the following upgrades:
We can assist large projects with finding the right infrastructure to support their load, and for a monthly subscription we can manage it for you.
We can manage your on-premise infrastructure remotely, or provision your infrastructure in one of our locations.
We will provide transparent management and maintenance while keeping cost low to help your budget.
We can quickly and cheaply provision transit services for neighbors within our PoPs, or VxLAN customers who don't mind the latency.
Our network has primarily incoming traffic and can be expected to remain under 1Gb/s.
We have a /36 v6 ARIN assignment we can sublet. Below are the rules for that:
We also have a /22 total of IPv4, the rules for which are:
We are able to provide Prefix Announcement services to customers who don't mind the latency of a VxLAN, and who want to get their prefixes announced as quickly and easily as possible. We charge for this service depending on Prefix size.